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The Best Short Film category returns to the Macondo Awards

The Macondo Awards, which celebrate the highlights of Colombian cinema, announced the return of the category of Best Short Film, for which four festivals specialized in the short films format were accredited. BOGOSHORTS, who has led this process, is one of them.


The last July 15, at the Carpa BAM Forum of the Bogotá Audiovisual Market - BAM, was announced the launch of the Macondo 2022 Awards, an edition that will take place in the month of November in Cali and that, with the purpose of expand these awards to young and talented filmmakers and new audiences: it will include Best National Short Film among its categories, whose last addition was in 2019.

There will be four national festivals specialized in this format accredited for this edition of the Macondo Awards and the Bogotá Short Film Festival - BOGOSHORTS, which for 6 years has been leading the dialogue with the Academy to make this possible, is included; since its director Jaime E. Manrique, is a founding member of the Academy. Other events that will be part of this process are the Other events that will be part of this process are the Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Cine a la Calle - FICICA and the Festival de Cine Corto de Popayán.

Each of the accredited festivals must internally nominate five Colombian short films that have been part of its last edition, adding a total of 20 pre-selected projects that will enter an internal evaluation and curation process, to finally achieve the five short films officially nominated for the Macondo Awards 2022, which will be voted on by the ACTIVE members of the Colombian Academy.

Blackmaria (Dir. Juan Pablo Caballero). Best Short Film of the 2019 edition of the Macondo Awards.

Regarding this announcement, Jaime E. Manrique, director of BOGOSHORTS, said: "There have been several executive directors and presidents of the Academy with whom we have continuously talked about the need of this category, and although we have made some progress in list editions, Elkin's commitment to the short films is clearly evident with this decision to include it in a more visible way. It is a relief that the leaders of the Academy know that without trusting in the short film it is not possible for Colombian cinema to evolve consistently”.

On the other hand, Elkin Zair Manco, Executive director of the Colombian Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences, (organizer of the Macondo’s), said: “We are very pleased to announce the return of this category to the national film awards; it is part of our strategies and our desire to connect with young filmmakers and professionals from the Colombian industry, whose talent is first developed in the short films and from whom, in the future, we expect a membership with the Academy”.

The Macondo awards event, which will bring together 400 nominated professionals from national and international films, industry guests and local audiences, will be held on November 6.

Click here to read the bases of the call for the Macondo Awards 2022.

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Bogotá Short Film Festival / Festival de Cortos de Bogotá - BOGOSHORTS

Cels (57) 310 303 6270 / 312 323 8667
bogoshorts@lbv.co / bogoshorts@gmail.com

Carrera 6 No. 35 - 52
La casa del cine - Barrio La Merced
Bogotá - Colombia
